Our speaker from East Coast Truckers was unable to attend our meeting, so now we have arranged for Jackie Noy to come to our February meeting. We spoke about what events we would like to attend in 2020 and members were thanked for attending events during 2019. They were also thanked for raising the total […]
Tag: Scole Indoor Meeting

17th March 2019 – Indoor meeting, Scole
We invited Terry Plummer back to talk to us on KID – Keep Independent and Driving. Terry’s presentation is primarily aimed at the older driver, but the younger members attending also learned about safer driving. Terry is a retired driving instructor and has spent the last 10 years helping people with their driving after illnesses. […]

17th February 2019 – Indoor meeting, Scole
We had invited Stuart Edmunds from Lowestoft RNLI to our meeting to talk to us about their station. Stuart gave us a slide show of photos of their lifeboat the Patsy Knight. This type of boat is called a Shannon, as all models are named after rivers. This boat is designed to go into shallow […]

21st October 2018 – Indoor meeting, Scole
For our October meeting we invited Marko the Cartoonist along, because December 2017 we had to cancel him for the Christmas buffet due to bad weather at Scole. Marko told us how he got into drawing cartoons whilst drawing Dopey, one of the Seven Dwarfs. This was drawn upside down, Marko’s preferred method for this […]

18th March 2018 – Indoor Meeting, Scole
At our March meeting we held a table top sale and raffle to raise money for our charity this year, Norfolk Blood Bikes. We raised a further £64-50 towards the total. £34 from the raffle and £30-50 from the table top sale. Thanks to Carolyn Hancock for selling the raffle tickets and our members for […]

18th February 2018 – Indoor Meeting, Scole
We had a very good turn out of members who came along to take part in Terry Plummer’s presentation on Avoidance. We had four tables each set up with model cars with an accident scene. We split into groups and then we had to make our way round the tables until we had looked at […]

15th October 2017 – Indoor Meeting, Scole
Dr Pam Crispin from Suffolk Accident Rescue Services, our Charity for 2017, had been booked to speak to us on SARS before our business side of the meeting took place. But on the way to Scole Community Centre, Pam was diverted to the Scole Inn where someone had collapsed on the pavement (which was lucky […]

19th March 2017 – Indoor Meeting, Scole
The turnout of members at this meeting was again very good and the room was nearly packed. We had some new members join us and we hope to see them out and about with us during the rally season. The business side of the meeting was held with information given to members about all the […]
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