Below are two stories of EGV 980. The first is from Bob Finch, a former member, and the second is from Jason Thorne the current owner. One of our founder members, Bob Finch, owned a Series MM, registration number EGV 980. Whilst researching our Branch’s early years, we came across this article from Bob that […]
Category: Rear View
Rear View

10th June 1984 – Eastern Regional Rally
On Saturday 9th June there was a barbecue being held at the Blue Boar Pub opposite the Oulton Community Centre, Oulton Broad and camping was free for rally entrants. Sunday 10th June was the rally day and attractions included Concours, Condition and Master Class judging sections, Tug o’ War, Trade, Charity and Autojumble stalls, Club […]

5th June 1983 – Eastern Area Rally
For this Eastern Area Rally held at Oulton Community Centre, Oulton Broad there was a barbecue at the Blue Boar Inn from 8pm on the Saturday evening and they were holding a grand raffle in aid of charity. The star prize was donated by Lowestoft Exhaust and Brake Centre. The landlord was trying to organise […]

6th June 1982 – Eastern Area Rally
The event was held at Oulton Community Centre, Oulton Broad from midday on Sunday 6th June 1982 and attracted over 80 entries. This was the first Eastern Area Rally held for the Morris Minor Owners Club and the organisers Chris and Carl Smedley were worried that it wouldn’t get off the ground because it was […]

28th July 1981 – Bromley Pageant of Motoring
Our team entry at the Bromley Pageant of Motoring caused considerable interest, but could not quite match the Jenson’s and Volvo’s. With the current Royal Wedding celebrations in mind, a 3-car team set off to Bromley with their own “Special Attractions”. Of course, it could be said that this team’s special attraction was the man […]

5th July 1981 – Norfolk Branch Rally
The Branch held their first Branch Rally at Banham International Motor Museum and Zoo on 5th July. Cars could arrive from 11am and the many attractions on offer in addition to the car museum are a Doll collection, Vehicle adventure ground and Zoo. If you showed your MMOC card you could gain entry to the […]

3rd May 1981 – Minor Goose Chase
The entrance fee for the event was £2 per vehicle, £1 to the RAC and £1 for trophies, prizes, tea, etc. Cars arrived from 9-45am to 11-30am at Norwich Central Library car park (next to the City Hall). Nearly forty people took part in the Norfolk Treasure Hunt or Goose Chase. The eggs which John […]

20th April 1980 – Minor Goose Chase
If I begin with a nursery rhyme, nobody who attended this shameless frolic will be surprised, so with reference to the celebrated ‘Goosey, Goosey Gander’, “whither shall we wander?” was one of the burning issues of the day. We actually called it a ‘Scattering Event’, which apparently differs from a Treasure Hunt in that you […]
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