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For our first meeting of the winter season, we invited along members of Upbeat to come and give us a talk. Upbeat are a heart charity based in West Suffolk and we are to fund-raise for them next year. Hilary the Secretary and fund raiser for Upbeat and Valerie, Treasurer and membership secretary came along and outlined what the charity did. We also heard from one of our members, Al, who spoke about his involvement with the charity.
Upbeat started in 1995 and was set up to help people with heart episodes after they leave hospital, as there was no care available after six weeks after leaving hospital. The charity runs exercise classes in Bury St Edmunds’ and Long Melford. They now have around 750 members across West Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex.
The exercise classes are held four times a week and members have access to a cardiac nurse should they need it. Information about the charity was on display and leaflets were available to take away.
After refreshments we held our meeting where we discussed what was coming up at our next meetings. A raffle was held which raised £54 and along with the refreshment money we raised a further £63-20 in total for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Chris presented the ladies from the Committee with some flowers for which they were very surprised and pleased.
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