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Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, lots of events had been cancelled over the past two years, but this event at Stonham Barns has kept going. Some members also attended the 2020 event. This event is always popular with members and this year we had a record total of 17 vehicles wanting to be on the Branch stand. We asked Ray Witton, the car exhibit organiser, for some more room because of this and we had the corner site this year. This was big enough for our members vehicles. After some parking issues were managed, we all got to park on the stand. We had two extra vehicles join on the day and two cancellations, which was just as well!
One of the extra cars on the stand was Daniel Hemsworth’s 1971 blue saloon and he and his wife joined the Branch. He was one of three new members on the day. Stonham is always a good event for attracting new members and selling our Branch regalia. We also gave out a lot of MMOC membership forms as well as Branch forms.
One of our members Bryan Gostling had a stall in the autojumble area and looked to be doing a roaring trade. Two of our newer members Philip Allen and Andrew Stringer both brought their recently restored saloons to display on the stand. Although they have owned it for over twenty years, Sandra and Marcel Lincoln brought their rose taupe convertible out for her first rally.
The two other members who joined the Branch on the day were Thomas Pearce with his green saloon and Philip Rees with his blue traveller that was once owned by Martin Wallis. They were parked elsewhere on the rally field, as was another of our members Ton Kolvoort with his blue left-hand drive convertible.
All in all there were around 600 vehicles on the field with lots of other classic car clubs. Our neighbours the Capri Club asked Branch members Jimmy Loades and John Hancock to pick the one they thought was the best on their stand and chose a lovely yellow one. The second vehicle joining us on the stand was David Whatling’s Morris van. David is the brother of Branch member Michael. David very kindly donated £10 towards East Coast Truckers for letting him park on the stand.
A football card was held and the winner was Marcel Lincoln who very kindly donated his winnings of £10 back to the fund-raising total. So, a total of £50 was raised on the day for East Coast Truckers.
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