3rd to 5th June 2022 – Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

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Many members were out and about in their Minors over the weekend of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Mary and Terry attended the Platinum Jubilee Fete at Hoxne with their Minor Millie. On the Anglia TV News that evening we saw Millie among the many other classic vehicles there.

Tricia and Jimmy took their Million, Lillian, on a drive around the Norfolk area, taking in two flower festivals. One at Little Ellingham near Attleborough entitled ’70 years of Rule’ and the other at Caston where there was a display of hats with flowers. The knitted Queen was in residence accompanied by Captain Sir Tom Moore.

Jane and Andrew went to the Pageant of Motoring at Sandringham with their Minor, George. There they caught up with the North Norfolk and Northants Branches on a stand. The weather however wasn’t particularly good.

Then to cap off a weekend of events Robin took his convertible to be part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee Pageant in London. Robin had to go through lots of checks with his car and himself before he was able to take part and there was a bit of running about over the weekend. But Robin said he was privileged to take part in such a spectacular event. He was among only around twenty vehicles to be selected for the parade and he had to dress to the period of his car. The weather wasn’t too bad in London.

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