Scole Indoor Meeting October 2017 - Iceni Minors

15th October 2017 – Indoor Meeting, Scole

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Dr Pam Crispin from Suffolk Accident Rescue Services, our Charity for 2017, had been booked to speak to us on SARS before our business side of the meeting took place. But on the way to Scole Community Centre, Pam was diverted to the Scole Inn where someone had collapsed on the pavement (which was lucky for them as she was coming to us). After waiting for the ambulance to arrive before leaving, Pam reached us just as we had finished the business side of the meeting.

Pam then gave us a talk on SARS and she told us that SARS was set up in 1974 by local GP’s and now has 150 members in the group. This includes 25 responders, paramedics and consultants, which means that if they are first on the scene of an accident they car start treatment straight away.

Pam has been Chairman of the Trustees of SARS for 12 years and is also involved with the East Anglian Air Ambulance. When we went outside to look at her car in the car park, we took the opportunity to present her with a cheque for £300.

When we went back in the Community Centre Pam then demonstrated resuscitation and how to use a defibrillator. With nearly all members present having a go at doing so on the models Pam had brought with her. This was very topical as the next day was “Restart a Heart Day”.

Thank you to all those members who brought their cars along after the plea for members to bring their cars to this meeting, so we could have a photo opportunity when presenting the cheque. A further £31 was raised for SARS from our draw card with the winner John Hancock receiving £10 for guessing the correct answer. Then after all this we enjoyed refreshments and cakes brought by our Chairman Mary.

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