Scole Indoor Meeting March 2015 - Iceni Minors

Scole Indoor Meeting March 2015

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As our scheduled speaker was unable to attend our monthly meeting on March 15th, we decided that we would hold a 35th Birthday party for the Branch instead. So after the business side of the meeting was held we cut a cake and held a table top sale as well as a raffle.

Martin Wallis kindly brought along a quiz with all the answers being motor related. This was jointly won by our two newest members Phil Tucker and Clive Mees with a respectable score of 15 out of 20. So well done to both of them and they were presented with prizes.

Jacky and Brian Lloyd kindly had the cake made with a photo of one of our Branch stands on it and this was cut by the longest serving member and the newest member.

This was Tricia Loades and Clive Mees. Clive also had his photo taken cutting the cake with our Chairman Gordon Leaver.

Clive Mees and Tricia Loades
Clive Mees cutting the cake with our Chariman, Gordon Leaver

The proceeds from the table top sale and the raffle amounted to £59.35 and goes towards our fundraising for Cancer Research.

This meeting was well attended even though it fell on Mothers Day and all the ladies present received a primrose to celebrate the occasion. All this was then followed by a talk by Branch member Sian Charlton on her time as a Private Investigator during the 1960’s.

Sian told us that it wasn’t at all glamorous and there was a lot of waiting around. She spoke about her first case and how she first joined and how most of her cases involved divorces but she didn’t mention any names.

Sian also asked the men present to hold up their hands, so we could see what could be observed about them. Whether they were wearing a watch and if so if they were left or right handed.

We thank Sian for standing up to speak to us, to everybody for bringing along things for the table top sale, raffle and refreshments.

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