Country Fayre and Rally Earsham Hall May 2016 - Iceni Minors

Earsham Hall Rally May 2016

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On 1st May we attended the Classic Vehicle Rally and Country Fayre held at Earsham Hall and run by Bungay Lions. We had some lovely weather, but on the days before the rally we were subjected to lots of rain that made the entrance slippery and the ground very soft. But this year the event was very well attended by cars and we had to have our spaces “guarded” while we waited for members to get to the event. The steward who kindly did this for us was rewarded with a welcome cup of tea.

There was music on the field all day in one form or another and members could browse the auto jumble stalls or look around lots of craft stalls or even take a look around Earsham Hall itself. There were lots of other Minors on the field which included a Military Traveller and members of the North Norfolk Branch.

We had two new members join us on the day and we welcome Callum Milton and Michael Whatling. We had a stall selling second hand magazines and books, which raised a further £35-28 (which included a £10 donation) for Marie Curie.

There were a total of nine vehicles on our stand and we thank all those members who came along to display their cars. We were asked to display a picture of a lion in one of our cars, which Jacky and Brian Lloyd kindly agreed to do, for a competition for the children during the day, when they had to see how many lions they could spot on the rally field.

In the local weekly newspaper, the Beccles and Bungay Journal, they had a centre page spread of the rally field with our stand directly in full view.  This photo had been taken from the back of a lorry directly opposite us and has given us some very good publicity.

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