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Thankfully for this important meeting at Scole Community Centre, it was very well attended with some of our newer members and those that we hadn’t seen for a while. We had been on the look out for a new Chairman when Gordon Leaver resigned last year and found one in the shape of Mary Huggins. We twisted Mary’s arm and managed to persuade her to fill the Chairman (or rather Chairperson) role.
Also at the meeting Sian Charlton kindly to take on the Committee position of Vice-Chairman, so we welcome both Sian and Mary to the Committee. The rest of the Committee remain the same and is nearly all female with the exception of our Events Organiser, Brian Lloyd.
Our Treasurer, Jacky Lloyd, told us that our accounts were healthy and that we had made a donation to the East Anglia Transport Museum in July. We also discussed our 2016 events which we look forward to enjoying.
A raffle was held at this meeting towards our charity funds. This raised £45 towards the funds. We have changed who we are collecting for. We were told that the MMOC were collecting for Cancer Research UK, but this has now changed to Marie Curie Care, which is who they are collecting for, for their 40th anniversary in 2016. Thanks to all those that brought a prize.
Dick Talbot kindly gave us a talk on the accessories and modifications you could make to your Minor if you wished to make driving it a little better. Many questions were asked afterwards. Thank you to Dick and also Mary for bringing along her homemade cakes. This makes the meeting just that little bit better!
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