Christmas Buffet December 2016 - Iceni Minors

11th December 2016 – Christmas Buffet

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Lots of members and their families enjoyed this new event of a Christmas buffet. On arrival they were greeted with a glass of mulled wine, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, and then we soon tucked into the lovely food that our members had brought along.

First of all we were handed out a Christmas quiz brought along by Mary Stannard and then after the food we all took part in a Beetle Drive, brought along by Jacky and Brian with much fun had by all. Then we had the chance to take part in a photo competition of members as children which had been put together by Tricia. This proved a bit difficult even though we were all wearing name badges.

The winners were: Carolyn and John Hancock – the Christmas quiz, Mary Huggins and Sian – the Beetle Drive with Jacky taking first place in the photo competition with Martin second. Thank you to all those that had a go and for those that brought along the quizzes and games.

One of our stalwart members, Chris Mitchell, celebrated his 70th birthday earlier this month, so we sang “Happy Birthday” and presented him with a cake in the shape of his Austin pick-up, which was then shared with members. Members there were also treated to a bag of goodies for all their efforts in helping with our Marie Curie fund-raising.

Last year Mary Huggins won the “Member of the Year” shield, so it is her turn to present it to someone this year who she thought had done a lot for the Branch. As Mary is not able to come along to the New Year lunch, where we usually present it, she presented it at this meeting, to Tricia. Mary said that Tricia had done a lot of work towards the Marie Curie car arrival in September.

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